Le 08/02/2017 à 01:05, Vincent Danjean a écrit :
> However, the machine answers to IPv4 connections but not to IPv6
> $ time wget -4 ftp.fr.debian.org
> --2017-02-08 00:53:54--  http://ftp.fr.debian.org/
> Résolution de ftp.fr.debian.org (ftp.fr.debian.org)…
> Connexion à ftp.fr.debian.org (ftp.fr.debian.org)||:80… connecté.
> requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 200 OK
> Taille : 1915 (1,9K) [text/html]
> [...]
> real  0m0,108s
> user  0m0,000s
> sys   0m0,000s
> $ time wget -6 ftp.fr.debian.org
> --2017-02-08 00:53:58--  http://ftp.fr.debian.org/
> Résolution de ftp.fr.debian.org (ftp.fr.debian.org)… 2a01:e0c:1:1598::2
> Connexion à ftp.fr.debian.org (ftp.fr.debian.org)|2a01:e0c:1:1598::2|:80… ^C
> real  1m52,272s
> user  0m0,000s
> sys   0m0,000s
> [I did a C-c in the shell to interrupt]
> My IPv6 connection is ok for other sites, for example:
> $ time wget -6 www.debian.org
> URL transformed to HTTPS due to an HSTS policy
> --2017-02-08 00:57:00--  https://www.debian.org/
> Résolution de www.debian.org (www.debian.org)… 2001:610:1908:b000::148:14, 
> 2001:41c8:1000:21::21:4
> Connexion à www.debian.org (www.debian.org)|2001:610:1908:b000::148:14|:443… 
> connecté.
> requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 200 OK
> Taille : 14926 (15K) [text/html]
> [...]
> real  0m1,079s
> user  0m0,012s
> sys   0m0,000s

I can only but encourages you to try lower MTU. Here is an example:
ip -6 route change default via fe80::207:cbff:feb1:7dd7 dev eth_adsl mtu

You can also try with a lower value, such as 1456 or 1440.
Yes, the MTU discovery is not working on proxad network, and I don't
know why. Maybe it's my own firewall, I don't know, and I don't have the
time to investigate.

Note however that this might be a peering issue. After all, IPv6 is only
18 years old, it's a young technology preview ;)


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