On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 12:16:08PM +0100, Johannes Schauer wrote:
>  3. or an "autosubscribe to all submitted bugs" or "autosubscribe to all bugs
>     one contributed to" feature which prevents spam by only subscribing me to
>     bugs that I write signed emails to

Even if other ideas are rejected, this could be easily implemented by having
a pseudopackage you subscribe to using the old bad four mail way.  People on
the subscriber list for that pseudopackage would be subscribed to all bugs
"with mail from" them.

> Unfortunately all the above would still not solve the problem of the 
> maintainer
> who wants to communicate with the submitter. But as a maintainer I find that
> problem really minor in comparison with the current pain I have to go through
> to subscribe to bugs I find interesting.

Yeah, there are two issues here:
* when you are on the receiving side (unconvenient subscribing)
* when people don't get mail from you (what Samuel complained about)

Autotools hint: to do a zx-spectrum build on a pdp11 host, type:
  ./configure --host=zx-spectrum --build=pdp11

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