Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Lev Lamberov <>

* Package name    : elpa-ido-ubiquitous
  Version         : 3.14
  Upstream Author : Ryan C. Thompson <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL-3+
  Programming Lang: Emacs Lisp
  Description     : use ido (nearly) everywhere

If you use the excellent `ido-mode' for efficient completion of file names
and buffers, you might wonder if you can get ido-style completion everywhere
else too. This package replaces stock emacs completion with ido completion
wherever it is possible to do so without breaking things.


This package implements the `ido-completing-read+' function, which is a
wrapper for `ido-completing-read'. Importantly, it detects edge cases that
ordinary ido cannot handle and either adjusts them so ido *can* handle them,
or else simply falls back to Emacs' standard completion instead.

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