On 08/11/16 14:48, Vincent Danjean wrote:

Le 08/11/2016 à 13:39, Alec Leamas a écrit :
I'm now trying to wrap my head around how to conditionalize a packet such as 
lirc. I'm coming from Fedora/RPM and used to just spread some
%ifarch in the spec file. Now, is something similar possible in debian?

It should be. Here are some quick ideas to improve:

  - Is it possible to conditionalize the rules file w r t platform?

GNUMake allows to define conditional parts. Here is an example from owfs:

DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS:=$(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS)
ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),linux)
CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --enable-w1
CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --disable-w1

This is exactly what I was looking for here, thanks!



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