On Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:07:50 +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:

> Am 07.11.2016 um 14:48 schrieb Felipe Sateler:
>> On Thu, 03 Nov 2016 18:47:28 +0000, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>>> To solve the issue and provide security updates by default, I'm
>>> proposing that we should switch to installing unattended-upgrades by
>>> default (and enabling it too) *unless* something else in the
>>> installation is already expected to deal with security updates.
>>> Thoughts?
>> Is there a way to mark network connections as "expensive", and thus u-a
>> does nothing if only connected via that?
>> It would be very annoying to have packages automatically downloaded
>> when tethering my phone connection.
> NetworkManager (since 1.0.6) exposes the information whether a
> connection is metered.

Oh this is nice. That post also suggests packagekit uses that too so it 
should not download stuff over metered connection.

> See
> https://blogs.gnome.org/lkundrak/2015/08/27/networkmanager-1-0-6-brings-
> This can be set explicitly by the user, e.g. for a WiFi connection.

Where is the setting? I can't find it in the NM applet, and a comment on 
that link indicates there was no GUI at the time. Has this been added 

> Maybe u-a could query that information?

That would help a lot on systems that use networkmanager, which would be 
the majority of laptops. Although probably most of those already have 
packagekit that notifies when upgrades are available, so the need is less.

> That said, I read Steve's proposal to install u-a only for cloud-images.

Yes, for cloud images it most likely is not a problem.

Felipe Sateler

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