Sean Whitton <> writes:

> There is a huge backlog of bugs to update policy, most of which are for
> entirely uncontroversial changes.

> If people wanted to do the restructuring work first, all the patches on
> all those bugs would have to be rewritten.  Further, it is a waste of
> time restructuring text that will be heavily amended/removed once those
> bugs are dealt with (we're talking basic stuff where policy is just
> ignored because everyone knows it is out-of-date).

> So ideally a sprint would look at that backlog before the
> restructuring.  But of course people might not want to work on that,
> which is fair enough.

Yeah, that's always been my thought process too, and then I've never
caught up on the backlog.  :)  Right now, I haven't had time to even start
the backlog.  :(

Russ Allbery (               <>

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