On Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 10:09:42AM +0100, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
> Like fulfilling the 1970s Unix promise of italics in manual pages, on the
> wide range of terminals that /can/ /do/ /italics/: stymied on Debian and
> only documented by a note at the bottom of a closed and forgotten bug report
> filed roughly a decade and a half ago against a long since superseded
> version.  A couple of Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy quotations come to
> mind.
> * https://jdebp.eu./Softwares/nosh/italics-in-manuals.html

What "wide range of terminals that /can/ /do/ /italics/" do you mean?

Let's see, printf 'a\e[3mb\e[0mc\n' (b should be italic, a and c should not)
* linux console:    - (text does nothing, fb makes it green)
* xfce4-terminal:   -
* lxterminal:       -
* xterm:            ✓
* rxvt-unicode:     -
* pterm             -
* cool-retro-term:  -
And out of Debian:
* osso-xterm:       -
* putty:            -
* win10 console:    -
* Solaris console:  -
* OpenBSD console:  - (text)

Hmm... 1 out of 11¹ implementing italics plus one doing some other thing
doesn't strike me as a "wide" range.

I didn't bother to test terminals I don't have installed at the moment but
the above sample shouldn't be much off.

[1]. Not counting putty=pterm twice.
Second "wet cat laying down on a powered on box-less SoC on the desk" close
shave in a week.  Protect your ARMs, folks!

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