Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Wookey <>

  Package name    : cavewhere
  Version         : 0~20160817
  Upstream Author : Philip Schuchardt <>
  URL             :
  License         : GPL3
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : Cave survey processing and visualisation

 GUI cave survey software, with data entry entry covering multiple data
 formats. Data is processed using survex. Sketches are distorted to fit
 and displayed in 3D, allowing very fast turnaround maps to be produced.
 Uses QT and works on Windows, Mac and Linux. Data can be imported from
 Walls and Survex.

This is quite new software, with a user-friendly modern GUI and taking
a different approach to Tunnel and Therion, the other free-software
cave-survey drawing packages. It has a very helpful upstream. It has
several dependencies which are not yet in debian and thus will need
packaging first: libsquish, qmath3d, dewalls, qt-qml-tricks.

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