On 10/07/16 15:14, Bjørn Mork wrote:
> Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <po...@debian.org> writes:
>> On 09/07/16 22:31, Franciscarlos Santos Soares wrote:
>>> Hi Emilio!
>>> Thank you for contacting us. In fact, like independent application of any 
>>> DE, 
>>> but they were compatible with the traditional look of windows and based on 
>>> the 
>>> GTK library. So would provide a good working environment in the old 
>>> computers 
>>> that read daily in public schools that work.
>> I found 
>> http://segfault.linuxmint.com/2016/02/the-first-two-x-apps-are-ready/,
>> which makes things clearer. This seems to be a cross-desktop (Mate, 
>> Cinnamon...
>> XFCE?) project to provide some core apps. Which we wouldn't end up with 
>> multiple
>> forks of the same stuff, and that addresses my concerns.
> That's the forking version of https://xkcd.com/927/ , isn't it?

That blog post made me think this was a coordinated effort between various DEs
to create some apps that they all would use. Which would mean we wouldn't need a
gnome-$foo fork Cinnamon, another one for Mate, etc...

But it seems I was too naïve and that is not the case, and we're just going to
end up with one more fork as I initially feared.

I so hope I am wrong on this...


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