Hallo -devel, Note that libpng1.6 is now in sid, so the libpng 1.6 transition has finally started.
To keep the transition short, please keep an eye on packages; of course we will also do NMUs when neeeded. The transistion tracker is here: https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/libpng1.6.html As announced, I will now raise the remaining bugs to RC level, none of the affected packages are in testing right now: #814879: timidity: FTBFS with libpng16 / does not specify libpng-dev B- D, #809874: root-system: FTBFS with libpng16, #810209: yt: Please update dependency on libpng-dev #741894: libtk-img: FTBFS with libpng16, #809935: fw4spl: FTBFS with libpng16, #816115: openvrml-dev: Please depend on libpng-dev instead of libpng12- dev -- tobi