On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 10:05 PM, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

> I think your message would be better addressed to the debian-devel mailing
> list, who I have copied in to this reply so that more Debian Developers are
> aware of it.  (There's also the Apt developer's mailing list at the
> harder-to-discover de...@lists.debian.org who I have not copied in, as they 
> are
> likely all on -devel anyway)
> Personally (although I am not an Apt developer) I think it sounds like an
> interesting idea, and there is some precedent as APT was the basis of the
> "Fink" package management system for Apple Mac OS X.  Not re-inventing the
> wheel is a very good idea, lots of package management problems have been
> discovered and solved with APT already (and it's sad to see things like Ruby
> gems, Go packages etc. re-discover the very same problems over and over again)

Looks like Microsoft went with a Linux syscall emulation layer for the
Windows kernel:




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