On Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 12:01:41PM +0200, Lars Wirzenius wrote:

> Possibly someone should set up an online quiz thing, where you're
> shown a package name, its short description, and three randomly chosen
> short descriptions, and have to guess which short description is
> correct.

    2D platform game
    program for gridfitting, or "hinting," TrueType fonts
    free AdLib sound library (utils)

(script attached)


GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enr...@enricozini.org>

import apt
import random

cache = apt.Cache()

descs = {}
for pkg in cache:
    ver = pkg.candidate
    if ver is None: continue
    tags = ver.record.get("Tag", None)
    if tags is None or "role::program" not in tags: continue
    descs[pkg.shortname] = ver.summary

names = list(descs.keys())
cand_idx = random.randint(0, len(names))
name = names.pop(cand_idx)
other_names = random.sample(names, 2)
cand_descs = [descs[name]] + [descs[x] for x in other_names]
for d in cand_descs:
    print("   ", d)

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