On Sat, 2 Jan 2016 18:42:14 +0100, Geert Stappers
<stapp...@stappers.nl> wrote:
>To me is this "TheUsrMerge" something like among 
>* "it is hard too to explain to have /sbin/fsck and not /usr/sbin/fsck"
>* "there was a question about /bin/kill and /usr/bin/killall being 
>* "we could not agree if p{erl,ython,hp} should in /bin or in /usr/bin"
>* "when calling `foo` we rely on $PATH. To avoid $PATH we call `/bin/foo`,
>   to have a reason to rant it should be /usr/bin/foo"
>* "reverting a historic decission is much better then accepting a historic 
>* "just because we can"
>* "others doing also"


>In other words: I don't yet see a _good_ reason for "TheUsrMerge".


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