IMHO: Two words for those proposing it: attention whores
From: Jeff Garra Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 10:00 PM To: Cc:; Subject: Re: Renaming the Debian Project "Being that the current year is almost 2016 and is 20 years after Debian started" Yes, let's rename a project because of an arbitrary date. That makes perfect sense. No it doesn't, that is absurd. "because having the project named after a white supremacist" Those are some pretty serious accusations you are making. You have any proof to back up those claims? Further, your tactics of shaming someone based on their beliefs, while potentially gross beliefs, is still pretty insulting and petty. I wish the name to stay as-is. If people want to create a project with a different name they are welcome to fork, at the core that is the essence of Debian and its licenses. On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 2:03 PM, benjamin barber <> wrote: It's unfortunate that Debian is named after Debra and Ian, because having the project named after a white supremacist, who used his ex-wifes name as an trophy. Being that the current year is almost 2016 and is 20 years after Debian started, we should look to the future and not the past. We shouldn't tolerate the project being named after a person who uses the N word, or marginalizes women who've been sexually assaulted. Instead I think we ought to rename the project "Euphemia", which means "good speech" and represents our code of conduct, as well as being the name of Euphemia Lofton Haynes the first African American woman who earned a math PHD.