Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Andreas Tille <>

* Package name    : vsearch-data
  Version         : 1.0.0
  Upstream Author : Torbjørn Rognes <>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD
  Description     : example data for vsearch tool for processing metagenomic 
 Open and free 64-bit multithreaded tool for processing metagenomic sequences,
 including searching, clustering, chimera detection, dereplication, sorting,
 masking and shuffling
 The aim of this project is to create an alternative to the USEARCH tool
 developed by Robert C. Edgar (2010). The new tool should:
  - have open source code with an appropriate open source license
  - be free of charge, gratis
  - have a 64-bit design that handles very large databases and much more
    than 4GB of memory
  - be as accurate or more accurate than usearch
  - be as fast or faster than usearch
 This package only contains data to run the vsearch test suite.

Remark: Upstream has split the test data which were originally part of
the vsearch package into a separate source.  To be able to run the
unit tests and verify the functionality of vsearch the data are now
in a separate source package.  It will be maintaines by the Debian Med
team at

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