
Thanks to Adam, Julien, Jonathan, Matthias, Scott, Simon and many
others, we are ready to migrate the bulk of the GCC-5 transition and
related sub-transitions to testing tonight.  Apologise for the short notice.

We expect this to be *mostly* a smooth ride, but there are some caveats:

 * We will have to remove some packages from testing temporarily

 * A total of 36 (amd64) / 31 (i386) binary packages will become
   uninstallable in testing.

We kindly ask of your patience while the temporary breakage is being
resolved.  The situation will improve over the next couple of days as we
can easier focus on the remaining issues.

If your package got removed, it will re-enter testing as soon as it is
eligible again.  Please ensure your package has no RC bugs, can build on
all architectures (were it built previously) and it should be back shortly.

Once again, apologies for the short notice.


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