
A lot has been happening recently in the Debian Hamradio Maintainers team and
these bits announce some of the things we've been working on.


 1. Debian Hamradio Pure Blend Update
 2. oss-removal Release Goal
 3. Update on notable packages

1. Debian Hamradio Pure Blend Update

The Debian Hamradio Pure Blend was announced December 2014 [1a] and work has
continued on its development. Today, a new version of the website [1b] has gone
live along with two new live DVD images [1c] (also can be used with USB sticks)
based on Debian jessie.

In the coming months, we hope to be building live images based on stretch
regularly and in an automated way.

An ITP was filed yesterday [1d] for the debian-hamradio source package,
containing the metapackages for the blend [1e]. The package has been uploaded
to NEW already and should shortly be making its way into unstable.

[1a]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2014/12/msg00063.html
[1b]: http://blends.debian.org/hamradio/
[1c]: http://blends.debian.org/hamradio/live.html
[1d]: http://bugs.debian.org/785160
[1e]: http://blends.debian.org/hamradio/tasks.html

2. oss-removal Release Goal

When the Debian Hamradio Pure Blend was announced we listed a release goal for
stretch to ensure that there were no packages with outstanding issues regarding
the removal of /dev/dsp from Debian GNU/Linux. The last bug [2a] was closed on
the 8th May and there are now no packages with outstanding oss-removal issues.
For more information about oss-removal, see the wiki [2b].

[2a]: http://bugs.debian.org/770954
[2b]: https://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/NoLinuxDevDsp

3. Update on notable packages

During the freeze, packaging work slowed down. Now that the freeze is over,
we're back to work and we've updated the following notable packages to new
upstream versions:

 * cqrlog       1.8.2   => 1.9.0
 * direwolf     1.0     => 1.1
 * fldigi       3.22.01 => 3.22.04
 * linpsk       1.1     => 1.2
 * qsstv        8.2.7   => 8.2.11
 * soundmodem   0.18    => 0.20
 * xastir       2.0.4   => 2.0.6

Iain -- on behalf of the Debian Hamradio Maintainers

e: i...@fsfe.org            w: iain.learmonth.me
x: i...@jabber.fsfe.org     t: EPVPN 2105
c: 2M0STB                  g: IO87we
p: 1F72 607C 5FF2 CCD5 3F01 600D 56FF 9EA4 E984 6C49

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