Quoting Hideki Yamane (henr...@debian.or.jp):
> Hi,
>  Why debian-policy has not been gettexted?
>  Just a curious :)

Apart from Marc's remark, which I consider slightly incorrect (there's
a big difference between a good enough understanding of English to be
able "to do something in free software"....and the better
understanding one can have in one's own language).....I think that the
main reason is that the Debian Policy is something like a "Book of
Law", where each and every word has a precise meaning.

As a consequence, translations might need to have some specific
proofreading in order to guarantee that the meaning is not slightly
changed. I think you get the point, here

So, yes, one can see this as a feature. Still, there could be
translations as long as they specifically mention that only the
original English version of the document is "enforceable".

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