On Mon, Dec  1, 2014 at 22:02:50 +0100, Rik Theys wrote:

> Package: general
> Severity: normal
> Hi,
> I was thus far unable to pinpoint which component causes this behaviour as I 
> can
> not find anything in my logs (and/or journal). I have therefore assigned it
> to general. Feel free to change to a more appropriate package.
> I'm using KDE on Jessie with gdm3 as the login manager. The system has
> systemd installed. When the system is idle for few minutes (but before the
> limit set in the KDE screensaver settings), the screen will blank and will not
> come back on keypress or mouse movements. I have to close the lid of the 
> laptop
> to let the system suspend. After resume I will get the unlock window
> of the screensaver and can continue working.
> I can login using SSH when this happens but couldn't find anything in the logs
> that could explain this.
> Any ideas on how to further debug this issue is appreciated. Are there any
> other reports about similar behaviour?
The debian bug tracking system is not a user support forum.  The
'general' pseudo package even less so.  There are other places for this,
such as the debian-user list.


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