Ansgar wrote:
>On 09/11/2014 15:30, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> Please push back hard against this - the offline-updates "feature" is
>> a joke. Let's not try to emulate the worst bits of Windows any more
>> please.
>Well, online updates do break software from time to time on my system.
>For system services they usually work fine as they can be restarted by
>the upgrade process, however user applications break...
>I think it's not realistic to expect upstreams to support online updates
>for every application. Once you have plugins or external data, it's hard
>to keep working properly after an upgrade.
>And at least I would prefer offline updates over my web browser crashing
>or shell completion breaking (until re-exec of the shell to be
>compatible with plugins).

I would much prefer to not have to reboot the entire system and lose
all state for the sake of a couple of userland application updates. If
things don't work, file bugs. If the latest shiny desktop stuff can't
cope with re-exec etc. well, then I'm glad to not be using it. :-/

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
You raise the blade, you make the change... You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane...

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