
If we have a package, which doesn't migrate to testing, we usually
check the "Why does package X not in testing yet?" page or the PTS.
Usually they do a great job in telling us why our package doesn't

But sometimes you have packages, which have complicated dependencies,
that don't make it easy to tell why our package doesn't migrate.
Usually the PTS and "Why is package X not in testing yet?" fail at
those packages and don't give any useful explanation. For example look
at the page for haskell-hgettext[1].

Those packages usually have to go into testing together with a few other
packages. If it's getting worse your package needs to go into testing
with a lot of other packages (usually if your package is part of a
bigger transition).

If your package is part of a transition you might have luck and the
transition page can tell you what the problem is. But sometimes not
even that pages help.

For that reason I made a tool that takes a package name and tries to
find out why your package doesn't migrate to testing.

When run, it gathers all packages that block our given package X.
Then it fetches all excuses for these packages and throws all of them
away, except those that are identified as interesting. These types of
excuses are identified as interesting:

- out of date on <arch>
- <pkg> has new bugs
- Too young

This takes a long time (for me 3 Minutes) depending on your internet

This is mostly useful for haskell packages, as they have very close
dependencies. However, it might be interesting in any other transition.

The source code is attached and can be found in the tools repository[2]
of the Haskell Group.
In order to compile it you need the following packages:
- ghc
- libghc-regex-pcre-dev
- libpcre++-dev (This should be a dependency of libghc-regex-pcre-dev
  but it isn't due to a bug)

Compile it with:
ghc --make reasons.hs

To run it you need the following packages:
- devscripts
- wget
- ca-certificates
- locales (you should use an UTF-8 encoding, otherwise its guaranteed
  you will have problems.)
Also you must have enabled the source URIs in you sources.list.

There are still some rough edges. The most notable ones are:
- Most errors that can happen aren't catched. So an haskell exception
  will be thrown, which gives not very much information of the problem.
- The excuses are fetched with grep-excuses. So the excuses file is
  downloaded over ad over again. There is already a bug with a patch
  filed against grep-excuses to fix this.
- "out of date" excuses are all considered interesting, even though it
  would be better to only include those that aren't in state B-D

A bit more detail on the workflow of this tool is described in this[3]

import Text.Regex.PCRE
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.Process
import System.IO
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Error
import System.Directory
import Debug.Trace

data Excuses = Excuses String [String]

isEmpty :: Excuses -> Bool
isEmpty (Excuses _ []) = False
isEmpty (Excuses _ _) = True

excuses2String :: Excuses -> String
excuses2String (Excuses pkg excuses) = unlines $ (pkg ++ ":"):(map ("    " ++) excuses)

main = do
  package <- getArgs >>= parse
  output <- fmap lines acquireBritneyOut
  let bins = getBinBlockers output package
  result <- try (fmap nub $ mapM getSrcPackage bins) :: IO (Either ErrorCall [String])
  srcBlockers <- case result of
                   Left e -> putStrLn packageNotFoundMsg >> exitFailure
                   Right pkgs -> return pkgs
  excuses <- mapM getExcuse srcBlockers
  additionalExcuses <- getAdditionalExcuses srcBlockers excuses
  let filteredExcuses = filterExcuses isInteresting $ excuses ++ additionalExcuses
  mapM_ putStrLn $ map excuses2String filteredExcuses

acquireBritneyOut :: IO String
acquireBritneyOut = do
  cachePath <- chooseCachePath
  case cachePath of 
    Nothing -> readProcess "/usr/bin/wget" ["-q", "-O", "-", outputUrl] ""
    Just path -> do
      createDirectoryIfMissing False path
      setCurrentDirectory path
      readProcess "/usr/bin/wget" ["-q", "-N", outputUrl] ""
      readFile "update_output.txt"

chooseCachePath :: IO (Maybe String)
chooseCachePath = do
  result <- tryJust shouldCatch $ getAppUserDataDirectory "reasons"
  hasHome <- getHomeDirectory >>= doesDirectoryExist
  return $ case result of
             Right dir -> if hasHome
                          then Just dir
                          else Nothing
             Left _ -> Nothing
      where shouldCatch e = if isDoesNotExistError e
                            then Just e
                            else Nothing

outputUrl :: String
outputUrl = ""

parse :: [String] -> IO String
parse [package] = return package
parse _ = printUsage >> exitFailure

printUsage :: IO ()
printUsage = do
  progName <- getProgName
  putStrLn $ "Usage: " ++ progName ++ " package-name"

packageNotFoundMsg :: String
    = "The package you requested was not processed by the autohinter.\n\
       \grep-excuses <pkg> should list all reasons why this package doesn't\

filterExcuses :: (String -> Bool) -> [Excuses] -> [Excuses]
filterExcuses f excuses = filter isEmpty $ map filterPkgExcuses excuses
    where filterPkgExcuses (Excuses pkg excuses) = Excuses pkg
                                                   $ filter f excuses

isInteresting :: String -> Bool
isInteresting excuse = "out of date on" `isPrefixOf` excuse 
                                || "introduces new bugs" `isInfixOf` excuse
                                || "Too young" `isPrefixOf` excuse

isInterestingDependency :: [String] -> String -> Bool
isInterestingDependency pkgs excuse = "(not considered)" `isSuffixOf` excuse 
                                      && (mangleDependency excuse) `notElem` pkgs

mangleDependency :: String -> String
mangleDependency excuse
    | null dependency = ""
    | otherwise = tail $ dropWhile (/= ' ') dependency
    where dependency = excuse =~ "(?<=Depends: ).*(?= \\(not considered\\))"

-- Takes a list of already fetched excuses and returns the excuses of missing dependencies
getAdditionalExcuses :: [String] -> [Excuses] -> IO [Excuses]
getAdditionalExcuses _ [] = return []
getAdditionalExcuses pkgs excuses = do
  let interestingDepends = filterExcuses
                           (isInterestingDependency pkgs)
      dependencies = nub $ map mangleDependency $ flattenExcuses interestingDepends
  excuses <- mapM getExcuse dependencies
  evenMoreExcuses <- getAdditionalExcuses (pkgs ++ dependencies) excuses
  return $ excuses ++ evenMoreExcuses

flattenExcuses :: [Excuses] -> [String]
flattenExcuses excuses = concat $ map unpackExcuses excuses

unpackExcuses :: Excuses -> [String]
unpackExcuses (Excuses _ excuses) = excuses

maybeTail :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
maybeTail [] = Nothing
maybeTail (x:xs) = Just xs

getExcuse :: String -> IO Excuses
getExcuse pkg = do
  hPutStrLn stderr $ "retrievieng excuses for " ++ pkg
  excuses <- readProcess "/usr/bin/grep-excuses" [pkg] ""
  return $ Excuses pkg $ map (dropWhile isSpace)
             $ fromMaybe [] $ maybeTail $ lines excuses

getSrcPackage :: String -> IO String
getSrcPackage bin = do
  hPutStrLn stderr $ "querying source for " ++ bin
  packageDesc <- readProcess "/usr/bin/apt-cache" ["showsrc", bin] ""
  return $ parseDesc packageDesc

parseDesc :: String -> String
parseDesc desc = let ls = lines desc
                     srcln = findSourceLine ls
                 in removeFieldPrefix srcln

findSourceLine :: [String] -> String
findSourceLine (curLine:rest)
    | "Package: " `isPrefixOf` curLine = curLine
    | otherwise = findSourceLine rest

getBinBlockers :: [String] -> String -> [String]
getBinBlockers output package = let arches = getArches package output
                                in nub $ map stripComma
                                       $ concat
                                       $ map words
                                       $ map removeFieldPrefix arches
                                    where stripComma str = if last str == ','
                                                           then init str
                                                           else str

removeFieldPrefix :: String -> String
removeFieldPrefix arch = drop 2 $ dropWhile (/= ':') arch

getArches :: String -> [String] -> [String]
getArches package output = get $ removeStats $ fromJust $ findAutohint package output
    where get (line:rest)
              | line `matches` " *\\* .*:" = line : get rest
              | otherwise = []

removeStats :: [String] -> [String]
removeStats = drop 4

findAutohint :: String -> [String] -> Maybe [String]
findAutohint _ [] = Nothing
findAutohint package (curLine:rest)
    | curLine `matches` ("Trying easy from autohinter.*" ++ package)
        = Just rest
    | otherwise = findAutohint package rest

matches :: String -> String -> Bool
str `matches` pattern = (not . null) (str =~ pattern :: String)

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