Jonas Smedegaard <dr <at>> writes:

> Please elaborate what you mean can "trigger later".
> Simple example: Choosing via debconf to have adduser create homes below 
> "/srv/home" instead of the default "/home".

Ah, sure.

Admin installs adduser. adduser defaults to /home.
Admin now installs your package. adduser now defaults to /srv/home.
Admin changes adduser's default to /u but keeps all other changes
  your configuration package makes, as they only disagrees with this one.
Admin runs apt-get upgrade, pulling in a new micro version of your
  package that changes something totally unrelated to adduser.
Now, adduser MUST NOT change away from /u.

At least in Debian packages… but yes, configuration management is
hard, and will remain so at least as long as #48717 (yes, five digits)
is not fixed.


PS: sorry about broken From: in the last few posts, GMane Loom didn’t like me

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