Quoting Joachim Breitner (2014-03-11 11:29:31)
> Am Dienstag, den 11.03.2014, 11:22 +0100 schrieb Jonas Smedegaard:
> > Quoting Russ Allbery (2014-03-11 03:32:54)
> > > Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> writes:
> > >
> > >> I'd suggest an acceptable workaround is to include the source in the 
> > >> debian.tar.gz/diff.gz or to repack the upstream tarball, probably the 
> > >> latter since jQuery is usually an embedded code copy.
> > >
> > >> https://wiki.debian.org/EmbeddedCodeCopies
> > >
> > > Note that we do not (and should not) repack upstream source for 
> > > embedded code copies that are not used in the build, if there are no 
> > > other issues with those copies.  It's sufficient to just not use them.
> > 
> > I agree that there are better ways than repackaging.
> > 
> > I disagree that "just not using [parts lacking true source]" is one of 
> > them.  Instead I find that the combination of these is acceptable:
> > 
> >  a) Include the "true source" in our addendum (the diff for v1 or the
> >     tarball for v3 source formats)
> >  b) Ensure that "reformulated source" in the tarball we redistribute
> >     pristine is indeed a reformulation of the "true source" (e.g. by 
> >     comparing checksum against same processing done once)
> > 
> > That's more elegant in that we ship pristine upstream tarball, but not 
> > simpler because it puts the burden on the package maintainer to prove 
> > that the source we redistribute was not altered only reformulated.
> I see how that is solves the problem, and how it is idiologically
> desirable, but is it worth it? Consider this:
> I find a package that ships some-lib.min.js without source. It happens
> that we have libsomelib-js in Debian. So I 
>      1. Make debian/rules not install some-lib.min.js into the binaries.
>      2. Change e.g. the HTML files to point to the file in
>         libsomelib-js.
>      3. Try to find out what precise version some-lib.min.js is.
>      4. Hunt down the source package for that version and include it in
>         debian/
>      5. Build that to get another copy of some-lib.min.js is.
>      6. Compare it with the one shipped by upstream.
>      7. Possibly tweak build settings until the results are the same,
>         trying out various minimizers and options.
> Of these 7 steps, only the first two actually affect the resulting
> package, i.e. our users. From a practical point of view, I don’t believe
> that we should spend time on 3-7, and instead replace it by
>   3. Ensure that we can legally distribute libsomelib-js
>   4. Add it to debian/clean (or maybe Excluded-Files), and be done with 
>      it.

Yes, I did not mean to say that the tedious 7-step process is the only 
possible way, just that it was _a_ possible way to avoid repackaging 
upstream tarball but redistribute it pristine.

Your alternate 4-step process is an easier but uglier alternative.

If you care only about those of our users that consume binary packages, 
you may not even recognize the 4-step procedure as uglier ;-)

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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