Hi all,

On 15-02-14 21:11, Russ Allbery wrote:
> All I'm saying, and all I think Steve is saying, is that audio not working
> out of the box is some kind of bug.  That's fine -- software has bugs.  We
> all know that.  It might be an important bug, it might be a normal bug, it
> might be a wishlist bug, or it might be a wontfix bug, but something the
> user reasonably expected to work didn't work, so that's a bug.

Just to add a reminder on behalf of a11y: this not-out-of-the-box thing
is specifically bad for people that *need* sound to be able to navigate
their computer. They usually are not able to recover without sighted
help because the tools to do it also fail to speak to them.

I don't know if it exists or is feasible, but it would be great to have
an as-fail-safe-as-reasonable-possible PulseAudio configuration reset
option that can be promoted on the accessibility Wiki [1].


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