Hi Iain,

   I recommend


   for starters.



On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 12:50 PM, Iain R. Learmonth <i...@fsfe.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I liked sysv-rc for the same reason I still use my TI-89. I know how it
> works and I know how to use it. I think I can see the merits of systemd
> though.
> It would be nice if someone could update the wiki with some links for
> getting started though. At present, the wiki makes it look like systemd
> is not ready for anything and is incredibly buggy. This probably isn't
> helping.
> Things that have been fixed should probably be removed from the wiki
> page (they'd remain in the history of the page, so we don't lose them).
> Things I'd like to see are:
>  * A systemd primer (like what is a service file?)
>  * Packaging documentation for systemd (some has been started [1])
>  * How to hack together a service (this is something I did quite a lot
> for homebrew scripts on servers)
> There are probably other things that others would like to see too.
> I can see a lot of enthusiastic systemd supporters on the list, so I'm
> sure someone has the knowledge that I'm seeking.
> If someone can even just provide a braindump I'll wikify it.
> I'll be packaging a lightweight database system soon and I'm going to
> need to know what to do about the init system scripts for it.
> Sorry if this has already been covered, but this list has been so active
> with argument lately that I may have missed it.
> Thanks,
> Iain.
> [1]: https://wiki.debian.org/Systemd/Packaging
> --
> urn:x-human:Iain R. Learmonth
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