Aakash is the low cost tablet project of Indian government. Aakash-2 is
the next generation in Aakash project. Aakash tablets run Android 4.0.4
and this project is an experiment of running Debian on Aakash range of

DebianAakash project is subset/subproject of Debian which can be used as
an Operating system for Aakash-2 and similar low cost tablets.

More https://wiki.debian.org/DebianAakash
Mailing list https://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/aakash-hackers

Inviting everyone interested to join the mailing list and help out. This
tablet is going to be the first computer for many students in India.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [Aakash-hackers] Bootstrapping for Aakash
Date:   Sun, 2 Feb 2014 05:12:00 +0530
From:   Srikant <u.srikant.patn...@gmail.com>
To:     Aakash Hackers <aakash-hack...@lists.alioth.debian.org>

Hello Vasudev and others,

1. We were unable to install LIMA previously. Yes, it would be good to
have a Debian package.
    Also, we need to do following (no particular order, based on recall):
    a) Enable camera
    b) Suspend to RAM
    c) sleep (screen off, not display off with backlight on)
    d) Wifi discovery issue (unable to connect same network)
    e) Battery monitor(works only in 13.10)
    f) Touchscreen driver for gsl1680 and one more (@Sachin, do you
remember ?)
    g) Touchscreen issues, enable long press right click in gt811 and ft5x
    h) Boot logo in Uboot, it takes around ~3s to get kernel logo
    i)  Freeing 128MB reserved memory for MALI
    j) One image for all variants of Aakash (same specs, different
touchscreens, 5 so far)

2. Yes, we will make bootstrap rootfs. We should discuss about what DE
we should provide
    this time. Previously, it was badly customized LXDE. Should we
continue with that? or, shall we
    invest time and resources on a better touch optimized DE, say fork
of LXDE or E18. There is
    plasma-active for tablets, but its KDE, quite heavy for 512MB RAM.
Basically, we should
    have at least good virtual keyboard which should popup
automatically, touch optimized
    window manager, and of course RAM efficient. If you suggest, let's
create a separate topic for
    this ?

    Also, would you recommend to us to go with Debian-Jessie or Wheezy.
Manoj found a good
    comparison [1].

So far we don't have any special repository to enable.



On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Vasudev Kamath <kamathvasu...@gmail.com
<mailto:kamathvasu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi Srikant and others,

    So I'm just wondering what are the requirements at the momemnt you
    people are looking to get Debian on Aakash running.

    1. We came to know from Srikant that LIMA drivers need to be ported to
      A13 alwinner SOC but from one of our Debian collegue (Paul Wise) LIMA
      already supports Alwinner A13 SOC. So do you want it to be
    packaged for

    2. Also we need to go ahead and bootstrap the rootfs for Aakash so if
       you have any specific customization in mind do let us know. We have
       Jonas who is specialist in Debian Pure blends and he can give us
       hints on how to go ahead.

    Looking forward for your reply.

    PS: If you have any source code which you want to share we can enable
    the source repositories for this project and it can be pushed to Git
    repositories provided by Debian. Let me know if you need this and I will
    enable it.

    Vasudev Kamath
    Connect on ~friendica: copyninja@{frndk.de <http://frndk.de> |
    vasudev.homelinux.net <http://vasudev.homelinux.net>}
    IRC nick: copyninja | vasudev {irc.oftc.net <http://irc.oftc.net> |
    irc.freenode.net <http://irc.freenode.net>}
    GPG Key: C517 C25D E408 759D 98A4  C96B 6C8F 74AE 8770 0B7E

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