El sáb, 11 de ene 2014 a las 10:41 , Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> escribió:
Matthias Klumpp <matth...@tenstral.net> writes:

 Changing this would only mean that CUPS forks have the option to be
 distributed under GPLv3. I don't see a reason why Apple should be
 against this.

Apple appears to be against anything containing the phrase GPLv3, to the extent that their employees were even forbidden from reading GCC mailing
lists once the project started considering GPLv3 patches.  Presumably
their lawyers freaked out about something in the license, possibly the
patent handling.

It seems like it was the tivo-ization stuff. They license a lot of their stuff under the Apache v2 license, so I do not think it is the patent provisions that frighten them.

Cameron Norman

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