On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 01:12:36PM +0000, Dimitri John Ledkov wrote:
> On 31 December 2013 08:11, Vincent Bernat <ber...@debian.org> wrote:
> >  ❦ 31 décembre 2013 01:30 CET, m...@linux.it (Marco d'Itri) :
> >
> >>> Any thoughts?
> >> The correct solution is completing #652459, which mounts /usr in the
> >> initramfs.
> >
> > It is quite unclear why this bug is stalled.

It just needs doing.  But it requires coordinated uploads of
to get all the bits in place.  lamont was going to upload a
new util-linux to unstable in December but it hasn't happened
yet.  I was going to upload a test version of all three to
experimental for testing, which I can look at doing this

> I believe there were reservations about /etc portions of the patch
> series, which were asked to be "unbundled" and to be considered
> separately. I don't know if this was done, if not I guess I should
> come up with such patch on top of the proposed patch series, as one of
> the interested parties to get this resolved.

The patch series includes the /etc bits in separate patches.  These
can just be ignored if not wanted; there is no further work required
from that point of view, I think.  Given that they won't be used by
default and are harmless, but do add interesting new capabilities,
I would like to see them used though.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux    http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild  http://alioth.debian.org/projects/buildd-tools
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