Paul Wise, 2013-06-28 17:23:53 +0800 :

> On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 4:03 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> Did I missed something?
> Did you mean to send this to

  Given how such has repeatedly asked for help over the years, the
increased visibility may not be a bad thing.

> I'm guessing that it was either deliberate or a consequence of the
> recent upgrade of alioth to wheezy.

  Not deliberate, I can assure you.  However, even though the diff
between upstream FusionForge 5.2 and what's on Alioth is rather small,
the Alioth setup is peculiar in that it's spread over two servers, which
doesn't get much traction with upstream, and isn't tested by our
testsuite.  So we sometimes get problems after upgrades.

  I won't try to pretend that I couldn't do a better job.  But Stephen
Gran, Tollef Fog Heen, Alexander Wirt (and DSA) mostly handle the
sysadminning part, for which we're all grateful; on the other hand,
there's mostly only me maintaining the functional FusionForge-related
stuff.  I would very much welcome helping hands in addition to, or in
place of, complaints.

Roland Mas

...your network won't even know it's talking to a proxy, unless of
course, the proxy doesn't work.  -- in Linux 2.4 NAT HOWTO

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