On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 09:39:40AM +0800, Chow Loong Jin wrote:
> > Shuffled the quotes:
> > > The difficulty with plan A is probably B4.  Do we have a suitable
> > > minimal proxy we can install, a way to reconfigure it based on dhcp
> > > etc., and a means to displace it when something more substantial like
> > > unbound is installed ?

> > I think that unbound actually might be that minimal proxy. When you
> > install it along with resolvconf, it will currently place itself in
> > /etc/resolv.conf (via resolvconf) as the sole nameserver and it will use
> > the name servers that were reported to resolvconf from dhcp or ppp as
> > upstream name servers. Another cache with similar capabilities in terms
> > of resolvconf integration is pdnsd. (Note that pdnsd doesn't do DNSSEC.)
> > For chroots we would likely need a i-know-that-there-is-a-cache package.

> If it helps any, NetworkManager in Ubuntu currently sets the hostname in
> /etc/resolv.conf to and runs dnsmasq locally. This /etc/resolv.conf 
> is
> copied into new schroots, allowing for approach A while allowing for dynamic
> manipulation of where the DNS queries go to.

Yes.  I think the experience with dnsmasq (specifically, NM + dnsmasq-base)
in Ubuntu shows that this approach is a good one.

Note that this is explicitly *NOT* a caching proxy.  Using a local caching
proxy without a per-user cache is a security issue.

> > Strange thought: Would it be possible (on Linux) to add an iptables rule
> > to DNAT the local dns port? That would avoid the need for a proxy
> > altogether.

> Yes. A significant number of Linux-based consumer routers do this already, but
> I'd rather we avoid this route if possible. This makes it rather hard to do
> stuff like `dig @$other_server $hostname` for debugging purposes -- you'd need
> root access to disengage the DNAT rule first.

Not for what he's described.  dig @$other_server would still work just fine,
you would merely have /etc/resolv.conf pointing at and have the
*kernel* handle the DNS forwarding instead of using dnsmasq or another
proxy.  It does have the advantage of simplicity, but there are some
important cases (such as split-DNS over a VPN) that couldn't be handled in
the kernel.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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