Le 30 mai 2013 14:08, "Dennis van Dok" <denni...@nikhef.nl> a écrit :
> On 30-05-13 13:16, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
> > Using only one lib for crypto (libnss) will allow to use only one
> > trust certificate format
> 'Allow only one' doesn't immediately strike me as beneficial, but I see
> what you mean. The discussion is similar to others (such as about which
> init system to support) where the question is 'why do we have X
> implementations of Y?' where X > 1.
> There are pros and cons to such a bold plan as you propose. I can think
> of a few, and I'm sure others can think of many more. But more
> importantly, it takes effort to work out the plan, inventory the pros
> and cons, calculate the required efford and herd it along. Most work on
> Debian is on a voluntary basis, the available effort depends on what
> people will want to invest (even just to read this e-mail!). I'm not
> volunteering.
> But to seed the discussion (maybe):
> Pros: having only one crypto system will simplify the handling of
> certificates.

Simplify security audit and get faits certification

Avoid lice se issue with openssl ans GPL

Avoid problem with gnutls ans suid
> Cons:
> - not all crypto libraries are equivalent; choosing one will exclude
> some functionality provided by others

SEE compat layer
> - we somehow have to deal with legacy systems that can't convert
> - adoption of new software that uses something else is harder
> Cheers,
> Dennis van Dok
> --
> D.H. van Dok :: Software Engineer :: www.nikhef.nl/grid ::
> Phone +31 20 592 22 28 :: http://www.nikhef.nl/~dennisvd/

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