Hi Ondřej,

On Montag, 20. Mai 2013, Ondřej Surý wrote:
> Nope, I know about piuparts, but:
> 1. some packages and some transitions are more complicated.  Bundle
> db4.7->db5.3 transition with cyrus-imapd-2.2->cyrus-imapd-2.4 and I am
> quite sure that "installation in sid" is not enough.

do you also know about the sid2testing distribution we're testing on 
piuparts.d.o to find problems before packages migrate to testing?!
> 2. I would like to see these tests to be run BEFORE the package enters
> the archive, and failures would prevent the package to enter.

very DD and DM should run piuparts before uploading.

> Even finishing this page:
> http://wiki.debian.org/piuparts#Howto_setup_a_piuparts_test-instance_for_de
> velopment would help

to run piuparts manually, just run "piuparts $changes" or "piuparts $deb". 
That wiki page is about setting up piuparts in master-slave mode to test a 
full repo (eg a private one). While this is possible with piuparts in sid 
(+jessie+wheezy+squeeze) the upcoming 0.52 release shall have further polished 
piuparts-master and piuparts-slaves packages simplifiying this further.

If you have any questions about running piuparts, please just ask, preferedly 
on debian-qa@l.d.o


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