Am 06.05.2013 19:33, schrieb Julien Cristau:
> On Mon, May  6, 2013 at 19:17:47 +0200, Patrick Matthäi wrote:
>> But why should it _replace_ MySQL, why not providing it as an
>> alternative MySQL'ish server?
> Because Oracle.

That alone does not count, since it is still OSS.

As long as _MySQL_ maintainers are able (and want) to continue MySQL (or
some other person) there is no reason to not keep it in Debian.

I also can not get used to the thought that we only provide one
alternative like some other more or less popular distributions, where
you need e.g. a HTTP daemon and then you just can install Apache from
their repositories.

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
 Patrick Matthäi
 GNU/Linux Debian Developer


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