On Thu, 2013-04-25 at 20:49 +0200, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> Hi all,
> On Do 25 Apr 2013 18:41:40 CEST Ondřej Surý wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 3:19 PM, Bill Allombert
> > <bill.allomb...@math.u-bordeaux1.fr> wrote:
> >> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:23:04AM +0200, Ondřej Surý wrote:
> >>> Hi Bill and Debian Developers,
> >>>
> >>> My proposal is:
> >>> A. Add libjpeg-turbo to Debian archive (that's easy)
> >>> B. Add required provides/alternatives for libjpeg62-dev and
> >>> libjpeg8-dev (where API/ABI match)
> >>> C. Decide which package should provide default libjpeg-dev library
> >>>
> >>> 1.  
> >>> https://bitbucket.org/libgd/gd-libgd/issue/50/tests-jpeg-jpeg_readc-fails-on-debian
> >>> 2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2013-January/176299.html
> >>> 3. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=602034
> >>
> >> As IJG libjpeg maintainer, my plan is to move to libjpeg9 which has  
> >> more feature.
> >>
> >> I do not see libjpeg-turbo as a suitable replacement. It has
> >> 1) an different license.
> >> 2) much more security issues in a much smaller timeframe.
> >> 3) do not implement the full libjpeg8 ABI, nor the upcoming libjpeg9.
> >
> > Bill,
> >
> > sorry to barge in, but as a maintainer of the most prominent rev-deps
> > of libjpeg (libgd2 & php5-gd), I would like to have some questions
> > answered, and I cannot find the answer neither on http://www.ijg.org/
> > nor http://www.infai.org/jpeg/.
> >
> > 1. Who is behind IJG? Is it just Guido Vollbeding or there are more people?
> > 2. What's the legal status of IJG?
> > 3. What is the relation of IJG and InfAI (http://www.infai.org/jpeg/)?
> > 4. Is there a (public) bug tracker?
> > 5. Is there a source repository?
> > 6. Is there a mailing list for libjpeg development/users?
> > 7. How do I contribute code to IJG libjpeg?
> > 8. There are new features incorporated to libjpeg? Is that a community
> > process? Or how are the changes driven? IJG (and the features they
> > implement in libjpeg) is independent from jpeg.org (the standards
> > committee).
> > 9. Is there a documentation for new features of libjpeg (DCT,
> > SmartScale), so independent implementations can be done?
> > 10. And what is JPEGClub (http://jpegclub.org/)? (Just found it in the
> > comment rant under: http://blog.kaourantin.net/?p=116)
> All questions are really good questions. Some of them have already  
> been answered in the backlogs of #602034 [1] and the-merged-with bug  
> #612341 [2].
> Reading through both of them is probably a good idea for all who are  
> interested in the complete story.
> Esp. some statements from Guido Vollbeding [3] make me ask myself:  
> hey, what kind of guy is that and what is the stand of the IJG in the  
> free software ecosystem. His arguing tends to be somehow aggressive  
> and inbalanced. One quote that shows what I mean (taken from [3]):

He also says that he is treating his libjpeg as 'reference code' for
JPEG, i.e. for demonstrating and testing extensions to the JPEG
standard.  This does not sound like production code or a suitable
substitute for the established libjpeg which supported JFIF and little
else (i.e. everything that's in common use) and had a very stable API
for that.  Maybe when the ink is dry on JPEG 201x then we will want a
new libjpeg (perhaps an entirely separate library) that supports it.
But we don't need it now.


Ben Hutchings
Klipstein's 4th Law of Prototyping and Production:
                                    A fail-safe circuit will destroy others.

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