[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Morton)  wrote on 08.01.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> To the group, let me say:
> Those of you who saw my first message as an attack or a flame, what nice

Well, it was.

> little utpoia of the planet do you come from?????   sheesh!  If that's all
> it takes to ruffle your feathers, then you had better learn how to deal with
> it before you have to deal with giving support in a job situation. (I'm not

If, at the job, someone calls me and says something like that, I'll get  
very upset and unfriendly, too. Doesn't happen often, though.

> trying to say you're jobless or don't deal with support).  What I mean is,
> customers calling me on the phone are almost never as nice as that message.

That made me reread that message. Nope, my first impression still holds.  
Our customers on the phone are usually not like that. "Hey, your product  
is broken, you are idiots for breaking it, I'm going to install the  
competitor's product"? No. Don't get many calls like that - more like no  
calls like that, in fact.

> Granted, I'm not paying you for support.  Why should that change your
> attitude?

It's not that you aren't paying us for support, it's that _nobody_ is  
paying us for support - and not for the product, either. Noone here is  
making a single cent on Debian.

Anyway, what support? You obviously didn't want support, as was more than  
evident by your not taking it when it was offered. You were just  
interested in complaining. Well, now I'm interested in complaining right  
back at you.

I don't have a problem with spending my free time helping people. I do  
have a problem with spending my free time getting bitched at by someone  
who doesn't even want to be helped. Incidentally, I _also_ have a problem  
with spending company time on that; it sure isn't profitable.

> The flames that came back at me only underscore the reason MIS refuses to
> accept Linux.  I guess you guys don't want business to start using debian,
> because believe me, there are people out there that can write much more
> scorching flames than I can.   heck, I thought my message was more along
> the line of a gripe or whine, not a flame!

A distinction in search of a difference. In fact, _I_ think the whining  
type of flame is even worse.

As to MIS, well - I've been installing some Debian systems for business  
uses, and I haven't had any acceptance problems.

MfG Kai

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