
On 2012-07-17 10:35, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Could someone who has the time and the tools available do a check on all
> the dependencies in main for dependencies on non-free/contrib?  This
> information would be very helpful in evaluating tech-ctte bug #681419.  In
> particular: [...]

I wrote a small program to list them, please find the (hopefully
awk'able and hopefully correct) output in attachment.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++ GNU/Linux developer, Debian Developer
avahi-ui-utils: Recommends: 'vnc-viewer' [choice 3: tightvnc-java from contrib]
avahi-ui-utils: Recommends: 'vnc-viewer' [choice 4: vnc-java from contrib]
capi4hylafax: Recommends: 'isdnactivecards' [choice 1: isdnactivecards from 
cl-sql: Recommends: 'cl-sql-backend' [choice 8: cl-sql-oracle from contrib]
cl-sql-uffi: Recommends: 'cl-sql-backend' [choice 8: cl-sql-oracle from contrib]
clam-networkeditor: Depends: 'libgl1-mesa-glx | libgl1 | fglrx-glx' [choice 3: 
fglrx-glx from non-free]
conky: Depends: 'conky-std | conky-cli | conky-all' [choice 3: conky-all from 
deluge-common: Depends: 'geoip-database' [choice 2: geoip-database-contrib from 
deutex: Recommends: 'doom-wad' [choice 1: doom-wad-shareware from non-free]
dsc-statistics-collector: Depends: 'geoip-database' [choice 2: 
geoip-database-contrib from contrib]
festival: Recommends: 'festvox-kallpc16k | festival-voice' [choice 12: 
festvox-don from contrib]
festival: Recommends: 'festvox-kallpc16k | festival-voice' [choice 13: 
festvox-en1 from contrib]
festival: Recommends: 'festvox-kallpc16k | festival-voice' [choice 14: 
festvox-us1 from contrib]
festival: Recommends: 'festvox-kallpc16k | festival-voice' [choice 15: 
festvox-us2 from contrib]
festival: Recommends: 'festvox-kallpc16k | festival-voice' [choice 16: 
festvox-us3 from contrib]
festival: Recommends: 'festvox-kallpc16k | festival-voice' [choice 17: 
festvox-rablpc16k from contrib]
festival: Recommends: 'festvox-kallpc16k | festival-voice' [choice 18: 
festvox-rablpc8k from contrib]
freeciv-client-sdl: Depends: 'fonts-ipafont-gothic | fonts-japanese-gothic | 
ttf-sazanami-gothic' [choice 5: fonts-ipafont-nonfree-jisx0208 from non-free]
fuse-emulator-common: Depends: 'opense-basic | spectrum-roms' [choice 2: 
spectrum-roms from non-free]
gdm3: Depends: 'gnome-session | x-session-manager | x-window-manager | 
x-terminal-emulator' [choice 54: amiwm from non-free]
gjiten: Recommends: 'fonts-ipafont-mincho | fonts-japanese-mincho' [choice 4: 
fonts-ipafont-nonfree-jisx0208 from non-free]
glchess: Depends: 'gnuchess | sjeng | crafty | phalanx | glaurung | stockfish | 
hoichess | bbchess | fruit | toga2 | fairymax' [choice 3: crafty from non-free]
globs: Depends: 'libgl1-mesa-glx | libgl1 | fglrx-glx' [choice 3: fglrx-glx 
from non-free]
gscan2pdf: Recommends: 'cuneiform' [choice 1: cuneiform from non-free]
kanatest: Recommends: 'ttf-kochi-mincho | ttf-kochi-gothic' [choice 2: 
ttf-kochi-mincho-naga10 from non-free]
kanatest: Recommends: 'ttf-kochi-mincho | ttf-kochi-gothic' [choice 4: 
ttf-kochi-gothic-naga10 from non-free]
kanjipad: Recommends: 'ttf-kochi-gothic | ttf-kochi-mincho' [choice 2: 
ttf-kochi-gothic-naga10 from non-free]
kanjipad: Recommends: 'ttf-kochi-gothic | ttf-kochi-mincho' [choice 4: 
ttf-kochi-mincho-naga10 from non-free]
kdm: Recommends: 'kde-workspace | x-session-manager | x-window-manager' [choice 
55: amiwm from non-free]
kiten: Depends: 'fonts-vlgothic | fonts-japanese-gothic' [choice 5: 
fonts-ipafont-nonfree-jisx0208 from non-free]
ldm-server: Recommends: 'gnome-session | x-session-manager | x-window-manager' 
[choice 54: amiwm from non-free]
libclam-qtmonitors1.4: Depends: 'libgl1-mesa-glx | libgl1 | fglrx-glx' [choice 
3: fglrx-glx from non-free]
libdeal.ii-dev: Depends: 'libsuitesparse-dev' [choice 2: 
libsuitesparse-metis-dev from contrib]
libdolfin1.0-dev: Depends: 'libsuitesparse-dev' [choice 2: 
libsuitesparse-metis-dev from contrib]
libelmer-dev: Depends: 'libsuitesparse-dev' [choice 2: libsuitesparse-metis-dev 
from contrib]
libgeoip1: Recommends: 'geoip-database' [choice 2: geoip-database-contrib from 
libglw1-mesa-dev: Depends: 'lesstif2-dev | libmotif-dev' [choice 2: 
libmotif-dev from non-free]
liblpsolve55-dev: Depends: 'libsuitesparse-dev' [choice 2: 
libsuitesparse-metis-dev from contrib]
libpetsc3.2-dev: Depends: 'libsuitesparse-dev' [choice 2: 
libsuitesparse-metis-dev from contrib]
libphp-jpgraph: Depends: 'ttf-liberation | ttf-mscorefonts-installer' [choice 
3: ttf-mscorefonts-installer from contrib]
libreoffice: Recommends: 'ttf-liberation | ttf-mscorefonts-installer' [choice 
3: ttf-mscorefonts-installer from contrib]
librheolef-dev: Depends: 'libsuitesparse-dev' [choice 2: 
libsuitesparse-metis-dev from contrib]
libstarpufft-1.0: Depends: 'libstarpu-1.0' [choice 2: libstarpu-contrib-1.0 
from contrib]
libstarpumpi-1.0: Depends: 'libstarpu-1.0' [choice 2: libstarpu-contrib-1.0 
from contrib]
ltsp-server-standalone: Depends: 'gnome-session | x-session-manager | 
x-window-manager' [choice 54: amiwm from non-free]
lxsession: Recommends: 'openbox | x-window-manager' [choice 50: amiwm from 
maximus: Depends: 'metacity | x-window-manager' [choice 50: amiwm from non-free]
ocl-icd-opencl-dev: Depends: 'libopencl1' [choice 2: amd-libopencl1 from 
ocl-icd-opencl-dev: Depends: 'libopencl1' [choice 3: nvidia-libopencl1 from 
ocrfeeder: Depends: 'tesseract-ocr | ocrad | gocr | cuneiform' [choice 4: 
cuneiform from non-free]
php5-geoip: Recommends: 'geoip-database' [choice 2: geoip-database-contrib from 
prboom: Recommends: 'boom-wad | doom-wad' [choice 3: doom-wad-shareware from 
proftpd-mod-geoip: Depends: 'geoip-database' [choice 2: geoip-database-contrib 
from contrib]
python-geoip: Depends: 'geoip-database' [choice 2: geoip-database-contrib from 
qbittorrent: Depends: 'geoip-database' [choice 2: geoip-database-contrib from 
root-system-common: Depends: 'ttf-freefont | root-ttf' [choice 4: 
ttf-root-installer from contrib]
root-system-common: Depends: 'ttf-opensymbol | root-ttf' [choice 3: 
ttf-root-installer from contrib]
rt4-apache2: Depends: 'libapache2-mod-perl2 (>= 2.0.0) | libapache2-mod-fcgid | 
libapache2-mod-fastcgi' [choice 3: libapache2-mod-fastcgi from non-free]
rt4-apache2: Recommends: 'libapache2-mod-fastcgi' [choice 1: 
libapache2-mod-fastcgi from non-free]
rxvt-unicode: Recommends: 'fonts-vlgothic | fonts-japanese-gothic' [choice 5: 
fonts-ipafont-nonfree-jisx0208 from non-free]
rxvt-unicode-256color: Recommends: 'fonts-vlgothic | fonts-japanese-gothic' 
[choice 5: fonts-ipafont-nonfree-jisx0208 from non-free]
science-mathematics-dev: Recommends: 'libsuitesparse-dev' [choice 2: 
libsuitesparse-metis-dev from contrib]
starpu-examples: Depends: 'libstarpu-1.0' [choice 2: libstarpu-contrib-1.0 from 
starpu-examples: Depends: 'libstarpufft-1.0' [choice 2: 
libstarpu-contribfft-1.0 from contrib]
starpu-examples: Depends: 'libstarpumpi-1.0' [choice 2: 
libstarpu-contribmpi-1.0 from contrib]
starpu-tools: Depends: 'libstarpu-1.0' [choice 2: libstarpu-contrib-1.0 from 
task-serbian: Recommends: 'opendict-plugins-lingvosoft' [choice 1: 
opendict-plugins-lingvosoft from contrib]
vavoom: Recommends: 'freedoom | doom-wad | heretic-wad | game-data-packager | 
boom-wad' [choice 2: doom-wad-shareware from non-free]
vavoom: Recommends: 'freedoom | doom-wad | heretic-wad | game-data-packager | 
boom-wad' [choice 3: game-data-packager from contrib]
xdvik-ja: Depends: 'fonts-ipafont-mincho | fonts-japanese-mincho' [choice 4: 
fonts-ipafont-nonfree-jisx0208 from non-free]
xdvik-ja: Depends: 'fonts-ipafont-gothic | fonts-japanese-gothic' [choice 5: 
fonts-ipafont-nonfree-jisx0208 from non-free]
xinit: Recommends: 'xterm | x-session-manager | x-window-manager | 
x-terminal-emulator' [choice 55: amiwm from non-free]
xmhtml1-dev: Depends: 'lesstif2-dev | libmotif-dev' [choice 2: libmotif-dev 
from non-free]
xserver-xorg: Depends: 'xserver-xorg-video-all | xorg-driver-video' [choice 40: 
xserver-xorg-video-ivtv from contrib]
xserver-xorg: Depends: 'xserver-xorg-video-all | xorg-driver-video' [choice 41: 
fglrx-driver from non-free]
xserver-xorg: Depends: 'xserver-xorg-video-all | xorg-driver-video' [choice 42: 
xserver-xorg-video-nvidia from non-free]
xserver-xorg: Depends: 'xserver-xorg-video-all | xorg-driver-video' [choice 43: 
xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-legacy-173xx from non-free]
yagf: Depends: 'cuneiform | tesseract-ocr' [choice 1: cuneiform from non-free]
yatex: Recommends: 'ptex-bin | ptex-jtex' [choice 2: ptex-jtex from non-free]

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