[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christian Schwarz)  wrote on 06.01.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   (b) We set up a certain directory (say /usr/lib/cronjobs) where each
>       package can install its own crontab file (/usr/lib/cronjobs/foo).

Use /etc/cron.often (or similar name). It will contain crontabs, not  
executable scripts. All of them will be conffiles, so the sysadmin can  
change them without fear of updates.

Disadvantage: needs a patch for cron, to scan this directory as well as  
the usual user crontab directory, and to execute those cronjobs as root,  
not as a user.

Policy would be to only use this for cron jobs that absolutely cannot be  
handled by any of the other /etc/cron.period directories.

MfG Kai

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