On Tue, 6 Jan 1998, Elie Rosenblum wrote:

> And thus spake Craig Sanders, on Wed, Jan 07, 1998 at 01:52:06AM +1100:
> > is there any debian policy on number of file descriptors compiled into the
> > kernel?  (and also in limits.h in libc6-dev - AFAIK pretty much everything
> > that uses select() will need to be recompiled if the limit is increased).
> This has been sysctl configurable in the runtime kernel since at most 2.0,
> probably 1.3.
> deliverator:[~]-#cd /proc/sys/kernel/
> deliverator:[/proc/sys/kernel]-#ls -l *-max *-nr
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            0 Jan  6 13:40 file-max
> -r--r--r--   1 root     root            0 Jan  6 13:40 file-nr
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            0 Jan  6 13:40 inode-max
> -r--r--r--   1 root     root            0 Jan  6 13:40 inode-nr
> deliverator:[/proc/sys/kernel]-#cat file-max inode-max
> 1024
> 4096
> deliverator:[/proc/sys/kernel]-#echo 2048>file-max; echo 8192>inode-max
> deliverator:[/proc/sys/kernel]-#cat file-max inode-max
> 2048
> 8192
> deliverator:[/proc/sys/kernel]-#

so why have there been patches to increase the number of available fd's
right up until recent kernel versions (e.g. 2.0.30)?  here's what happens on
my 2.0.32 system:

        [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08:41:43] kernel# cd /proc/sys/kernel/
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08:41:58] kernel# ls -l *-max *-nr
        -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            0 Jan  7 08:40 file-max
        -r--r--r--   1 root     root            0 Jan  7 08:40 file-nr
        -rw-r--r--   1 root     root            0 Jan  7 08:40 inode-max
        -r--r--r--   1 root     root            0 Jan  7 08:40 inode-nr
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08:42:34] kernel# cat file-max inode-max
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08:42:41] kernel# echo 2048>file-max; echo 
        bash: file-max: Bad file descriptor
        bash: inode-max: Bad file descriptor
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08:42:48] kernel# cat file-max inode-max

strange. your system reports 1024 and 4096 for file-max and inode-max. 
mine reports 1024 and 3072. yours allows it to be changed. mine doesn't.
what kernel version are you running? any patches? standard
linux-x.x.x.tar.gz or a debian patched kernel-source-x.x.x.deb (many of
the debian kernels were patched with various fixes and enhancements -
maybe debian's kernel should come with the linux "big-mama" or "big-mama's
best child" patch sets)? 

anyway, here's what i'm running:

        [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08:42:52] kernel# uname -a
        Linux siva.taz.net.au 2.0.32 #1 Wed Dec 3 10:31:25 EST 1997 i486 unknown

bash seems to know that 256 fd's are available per process.

        [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08:47:36] kernel# ulimit -a | grep files
        open files                  256

squid too (from the cachemgr.cgi):

        File descriptor usage for squid:
                        Maximum number of file descriptors:    256
                        Largest file desc currently in use:     25
                        Number of file desc currently in use:   25
                        Available number of file descriptors:  231
                        Reserved number of file descriptors:    64


craig sanders

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