Am 05.01.98 schrieb leutloff # ...

Moin Christian!

CL> >    * cgiparse binary (from CERN httpd)
CL> isn't it better to use the correct Recommends/Depends flag instead of
CL> doubling the binaries.

Because most people use the Apache server and I'm not sure if you can  
install several http Servers at one machine. I'll replace cgiparse in one  
of the next releases with a Perl script.

CL> >    * dbugreport (report Debian bugs)
CL> where's the difference to the bug program (located in the package
CL> bug)?

I don't know. Is this a CGI Interface?

CL> Btw.: Shouldn't we switch the priority for bug to a higher one,
CL> i.e. standard or essential!? It's a small but very useful program that
CL> should be found on *every* Debian system.

Done :). This package uses standard.

cu, Marco

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