Am 01.01.98 schrieb fog # ...


f> I like it but...

Fine :).

f> 1) How about dwww? (Yes, I know dwww needs a web server...)

On my notebook dwww is very slow when your're accessing documents. And  
building the index produces a very high load on this system. Third the  
index of dwww is never uptodate.

f> 3) The policy says the preferred doc format is HTML (fine) but
f> it says nothing about how to access it. Any ideas before we poor
f> developer have to write a dozen of different conf files to support
f> all that new help systems? (menu entries, .dwww-index, .dhelp, etc...)

We could write a converter :)? I would suggest that we add dhelp and dwww  
support to the debstd tool.

cu, Marco

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