[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eloy A. Paris)  wrote on 01.01.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Kai Henningsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Well, when the original maintainer asked on -devel, I said that I'd take
> : it over, and I did. I have no idea why it landed on that list.
> Did you let the maintainer of the list (I think it was Phillipe Troin)
> know you were taking maintenance of this package? I guess leting
> debian-devel know is not enough.

Why would I do that, when I took over directly from the former maintainer?  
Why would the list even become involved at all?

That is what I don't understand - why did the package _ever_ get into the  
wnpp list? Who decided to put it there, and on what grounds?

MfG Kai

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