"Boris D. Beletsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Gee, I dunno, maybe it's, at least in part, for the developers who
> > still haven't upgraded their packages to libc6, despite it being
> > available since April.
> It will be available in the next few days,

Like Jed was going to be done "this weekend" several weeks ago?

> come on, you are not waiting for me and not for others who didn't
> convert the packages to libc6, all the essentials are converted.

Oh really? What about such inessentials and trivialities such as our
default MTA?

> And if there was a deadline for me to convert my packages I would of
> made it.

Ah of course; it's our fault for not setting a deadline.  Silly me.

I don't have a problem with people who don't have time to deal with
their packages properly; I do however have a problem with those same
people asking questions like "What are we waiting for?"


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