[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yann Dirson)  wrote on 30.12.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>  > On 30 Dec 1997, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark W. Eichin) wrote:
>  >
>  > > So, timezone (7.48-3) is installed, and "required", so dpkg won't
>  > > remove it.  timezones (2.06-1) is available, and "replaces/conflicts"
>  > > timezone, but dpkg ( won't replace it, even with
>  > > auto-deconfigure.  Is there a non-"force" way to handle this?
>  >
> Robert D. Hilliard writes:
>  >      This is Bug#16260.
> Is this really a bug in timezones ?  It seems quite similar to the
> problem I have myself (as the maintainer - never heard of anyone else
> speaking on this) while upgrading e2fsprogs to 1.10-9.  I thought it
> might have been a bug in dpkg's dependency mechanism; I guess I
> reported that, but can't find out a copy in my folders, neither can I
> find it from the headers in "Unanswered pbs"...
> Does someone have an idea about that ?

I think I once had a similar problem where dpkg refused to remove an  
essential package, and of course, forcing it didn't quite do the right  
thing - dependencies by hand can be surprising. It's been too long; I  
don't remember what it was.

It's one of the areas where, IMO, dpkg is missing functionality. We need a  
way to replace even essential packages. Another long-standing problem  
(tetex comes to mind) is that conflicts/replaces doesn't work with  
multiple packages; various things don't work with virtual packages, and/or  
not with versions; and there's no way to tell the user "you have installed  
package X, that one's obsolete, you may want to replyce it with Y and Z".

Plus, dpkg isn't thorough enough with dependencies. This is what leads to  
dselect install-configure-remove-install-configure-remove cycles, and  
sometimes to installs breaking the system - dpkg doesn't take into account  
how dependencies etc. change during package installation.

I'm sure I've missed some things.

MfG Kai

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