9976    dbview_1.0.3-3.1_i386.deb               Libc6!
28442   mdutils_0.35-5.1_i386.deb               Libc6!
418408  tkdesk_1.0b4-2.1_i386.deb               Libc6!
110198  wu-ftpd-academ_2.4.2.13-0.1_i386.deb    Libc6!
90140   wu-ftpd_2.4-27.1_i386.deb               Libc6!
88640   xinetd_2.2.1-1_i386.deb                 Libc6! New upstream version
290306  defrag_0.70-3_i386.deb
40020   lurkftp_0.99-1.1_i386.deb

These are packages that I have either compiled for libc6, and/or willing to
adopt(ie they were orphaned, etc).  For those of you following me, that is
three more new packages/versions since last night.  I am currently working on
compiling(for adoption) the following packages.


Please someone give me an account on master so that I can spread my work to the
debian public.

Linux vs. Windows is a no-win situation.

Adam Heath of Borg-Linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] Join the H.323 effort.  Email
http://www.debian.org - Get Your Own Linux! [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
http://wwp.mirabilis.com/3375265 - Page Me  the word subscribe in the body.

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