On 30 Dec 1997, Mark W. Eichin wrote:

> I was just upgrading a system from [hamm a few weeks old] to [hamm
> today] using, for the first time, dftp (instead of a mirror and manual
> dpkg -BORGiE runs.)  I selected libnfslock, it created
> /etc/ld.so.preload, and since then any attempt to run a dynamic linked
> program gives a message, BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER ld.so, and something
> about "i == npreloads".  (The broken machine is back at my office,
> waiting for a root floppy [the rescue disk alone is useless in this
> case] or I'd get it exactly...)
> Just thought I'd warn people about it (since I've benefitted from
> similar warnings here :-) though I haven't had a chance to debug it
> more precisely... in particular, to figure out if it's only an ld.so
> bug or if it's also a bug in the libnfslock package (it probably
> warrants a predepends, or something, in libnfslock even if the only
> bug is in ld.so.)

It is a bug in ld-linux.so.2 (included in libc6) which appeared in
libc6_2.0.6-1 and is fixed in libc6_2.0.6-2, now waiting to be moved from

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