[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben Pfaff)  wrote on 28.12.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Is it sufficient to add to the Description something along the lines
> of:
>     If you are a German citizen less than 18 years old, you are
>     prohibited by law from using this program.
> or the equivalent translated into German?  This seems to me to get the
> point across quite well.

That probably wouldn't change anything. AFAIKT, it's not prohibited to own  
the stuff, it's prohibited to let (certain) other people access it.

Such a message doesn't do anything to keep people from accessing it.

However, I think the more important question here is, do we actually have  
to assume that kids are freely browsing the net? In that case, _no_ above- 
18 stuff would be possible without strong authentication. I seem to  
remember even politicians agreeing that this is nuts.

The 'net is not like a typical store, in that you have to pass significant  
barriers to get access to anything at all. That's the place where control  
should be applied.

The rule in westfalen.de, for example, is: access to minors only if their  
parents agree, in writing, that they know about all the bad stuff that's  
out there, and will take full responsibility.

MfG Kai

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