While trying to compile the latest gnome CVS snapshot, I found that the guile1.2_1.2-3 on my Debian system doesn't suffice to compile guile-gtk. It complains about a missing slib/require.scm not found in /usr/share/guile:... etc.. After that recent discussion about slib, I found that hamm indeed has an slib_2c0-2 package, but this package seems to be intended for use with scm only (or the other way round: I think guile1.2_1.2-3 won't find it currently).
Now I have no idea about guile and scm and slib: Should I file a bug against guile that it should apply Marius' recent patch to ice-9/slib.scm and furthermore that it should use slib when installed ? Or is this a problem with the slib_2c0-2 package that it should announce itself to guile somehow ? Gregor -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .