On Thu, Dec 18, 1997 at 10:15:00AM +0200, Kai Henningsen wrote:
> >
> > @chimchim [~] $ nc -l -p 4000
> > /dev/ttyp6
> >
> > There is a newline, it's transmitted fine, but, here is the tcpdump:
> Umm - TCP? I'm not the TCP expert, but I understand that TCP doesn't ever  
> guarantee where it's going to put packet boundaries. That's supposed to be  
> a stream, and packet boundaries are supposed to be invisible to the upper  
> layers, except for timing.

  The default behavior of TCP is to send the segment when the output-socket-
buffer gets filled. The socket flag IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY alters this 
behavior, and I suspect that the problem is probably not with writev
but with libc6 not understanding this flag. Two months ago I was having
trouble with locating this flag in the libc6 headers, though, lib5 
understood it fine.

  In my application was sending tiny interactive packets and did not notice
anything unusual with writev. I would be most surprised if this is not
the case.


Ioannis Tambouras
[EMAIL PROTECTED], West Palm Beach, Florida
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