The Debian web pages need the help of someone who follows bugtraq. Currently the security web page is updated at random times (and not very well). If you already follow bugtraq then you could help Debian a lot by sending updates to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you already follow bugtraq, then this won't be much work. You simply need to find out if the current Debian package is vulnerable and send the relevant info to webmaster. If we are vulnerable, you then send an update to webmaster when a fix is released (possibly sending another update when the fix makes it into stable). Note that most package maintainers will do the vulnerability detection for you. If interested, please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Jay -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .