
I noticed some new updates of packages recently have not complied with
changelog policy[1]. They are packages that I had made non-maintainer
releases of previously, and to which I had added a changelog entry.

It is clear that the actual maintainer, when preparing the new release,
did not downloaded the non-maintainer release beforehand. The non-maintainer
releases were made about 2 months before these current releases.

While I don't consider these problems that warrant bug filing, I do think
the changelog policy should be followed, so that a complete history of
releases is maintained for each package.


[1] To quote from the policy manual, section 3.2.3,
    regarding debian/changelog:

The maintainer name and email address should not necessarily be those of the
usual package maintainer. They should be the details of the person doing this
version. The information here will be copied to the .changes file, and then
later used to send an acknowledgement when the upload has been installed.

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